Calculate Percentage in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, if you want to calculate a percentage for a number, you can write a simple mathematical formula where you divide the total number with the number you want to calculate, then multiply it by 100, or apply the percentage format.

Method 1 – Calculate the Percentage (Divide and Format)

  1. First, enter “=” in a cell and refer to the cell where you have the number for which you want to calculate the percentage.
  2. After that, enter “/” forward slash to divide.
  3. Next, refer to the cell or enter directly in the formula the number, which is the total on which you want to calculate the percentage.
  4. In the end, hit enter to get the result, and then click on the “Format as percent” button to apply the percentage format.

You can also change the number of decimals from the Increase/Decrease decimal buttons.


Method 2 – Divide and the Multiple with 100 to Get the Percentage

With the same formula we have used above, you can multiply it by 100 to get the percentage.


You don’t need to apply the percentage format when you use this formula. And if you want to add a percentage symbol with it, you can use an ampersand and use double quotation marks for the percentage symbol.


Note: Using the first method instead of the second is recommended. With the first method, it’s possible to use the percentage value further in a calculation, as it remains a number when you change the format to percentage. But, with the second method, combining the percentage symbol with the percentage converts it into text.

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