Subtract (Numbers) in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, there are two quick ways to subtract one number from another. And in this tutorial, we are going to learn both methods in detail.

Use the Minus/Subtract Operator

  1. Enter “=” in a cell.
  2. Refer to the cell with the first value.
  3. Enter the minus operator “-“.
  4. Now, refer to the cell with the second value.

It’s simple formula which you can write in a cell to quickly perform subtraction of two numbers. In the above example, we have subtracted the value in the 10 from the 20. And you can also enter the values within the formula.


This is the best and quick method which you can use. Even you can sum multiple values and then minus them each other.


The best part of this method is you can refer to more than two cells to minus them from each other. Let’s take an example here.


Using the Minus Function to Subtract

In the Google Sheets, there’s also a specific function that can use minus numbers. Enter the function in the cell, and the refer to the numbers.


MINUS function works in the same way the first method works. The only difference is you don’t need to use the minus operator.

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