Capitalize the First Letter of a Value in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, there is a function with the name PROPER that you can use to capitalize the first letter of each word in the cell. And in this tutorial, we will learn to use this function.


Use PROPER to Convert the First Letter into a Capital Letter

  1. Enter the equals sign (=) in a cell.
  2. Type “PROPER” and enter starting parentheses “(”.
  3. Refer to the cell with the value.
  4. Type “)” closing parentheses and hit enter to get the result.

The moment you hit enter, it converts the first letter of both words into a capital letter.


Only Capitalize the First Letter of the First Word

You might need to make the first letter of the first-word capital and want the other letters small. For this, you can use the below formula:


To understand this formula, you need to split it into two parts:

  • In the first part, we used functions like UPPER and LEFT to get the first letter from the cell and convert it into a capital letter.
  • In the second part, we have functions like LOWER, RIGHT, and LEN to get all the letters from the right of the value and convert them into small letters.
  • In the end, combine the first capital letter with the other letters as small letters.

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